readlink: illegal option -- f
on macOS readlink dosnt work, like in Linux.
readlink should do:
- iterates along a sequence of symlinks to find the actual file.
- returns canonicalized name
readlink: illegal option -f
usage: readlink [-n] [file ...]
-f, --canonicalize
canonicalize by following every symlink in every component of the given name recursively;
all but the last component must exist
readlink -f is used in:
tools/core/ webiscmdrootpath="$(readlink -f -- $scriptPath/../../)/"
tools/core/ rootpath="$(readlink -f -- $scriptPath/../../)/"
tools/core/ webiscmdrootpath="$(readlink -f -- $scriptPath/../../)/"
tools/core/ project_path=$(readlink -f -- "$scriptPath"/../../)
tools/git/ new_name="$(readlink -f $(pwd))"
tools/git/ logError "Directory '$(readlink -f ../${line})' already exists, but is not a Git repository, skipping."
tools/betamng/config/$(readlink -f "$thisscriptpath/hostnames")